COVID-19: We're in this together

To keep our pole family safe, our studio open and to do our part, here are some things you should know moving forward.

Required COVID-19 Waiver


Please follow the link below to electronically sign our COVID-19 waiver. Students MUST sign this waiver before coming into the space. If you cannot sign this waiver online, please contact us for a paper waiver upon arriving for classes.

COVID-19 Procedures & Protocols

Rules are non-negotiable. Students that do not comply with the following will not be let into the studio place/or be dismissed immediately from classes without a refund. 
This is for everyone's safety. We are one human family. We must look out for one another. It's chaos, be kind.

Important Things to Note
  • PLEASE READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING RULES BELOW. We know this section is long and not particularly interesting. But these are things you need to know before coming to our space and it is NOT our fault if you choose not to read them thoroughly.
  • Class sizes and class schedules will be returned to regular size classes. While we encourage those who are unvaccinated to please continue to wear a mask, be aware that you may be in filled classes where students are choosing not to wear masks. 
  •  We have instilled very stringent deep cleaning procedures for instructors to do before, in between and after classes. Floors, carpets, bathrooms, handles, etc. are all cleaned regularly. We are working very hard to keep our space safe and clean.
  • We will not be debating over any of these rules, procedures or protocols with any student for any reason. Period. We know these are tense times and that everyone feels a certain kind of way regarding COVID-19. You are allowed to have opinions, feelings and have the right to say them. We however do not have to engage in arguments over them and we will not be. Please be respectful - remember that we are a small business that has taken a big hit due to COVID-19 and we are doing the best we can to protect our beloved pole studio and everyone inside. If you plan on arguing with any of the following rules, please wait to return until we can remove these restrictions.    

Before Attending a Class

  • 1. Please sign up for classes BEFORE coming to the studio. We cannot promise you a pole if you attempt to join a class on a walk in.

  • 2. Please sign waiver above before coming to classes. You can log online here and sign this paper anytime before classes. Students who are not able to may sign a paper waiver outside of the studio upon arriving, but class will not be held for any students who have not yet signed the waiver.

  • 3. If you have booked a class through an instructor instead of online, students must pay for class BEFORE class begins. You will not be allowed to join a class you have not paid for in advance.

  • 4. If you are not feeling well - please DO NOT come to classes. Students who are feeling unwell will be granted leniency and given two weeks to makeup the missed class. Please think of others!

After Classes

  • 1. Please clean the apparatus you were using with your alcohol bottle you've been using unless otherwise instructed.

  • 2. Throw dirty rag into the plastic laundry basket immediately after use.

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